Electric Pool Heaters
Raypak swimming pool and spa heaters are dependable, trouble-free, and performance-proven. Year after year, electric heaters from Raypak are highly rated top-sellers. Raypak electric pool heaters come in two compact models: a 5.5kw and 11kw. Both of these electric pool heaters from Raypak are built to last.The selection of electric pool and spa heaters from Raypak are known for being reliable and top quality. That's because all of the waterways in these electric heaters are made from corrosion-free copper and bronze'not aluminum. Pool heaters that run on electricity are low maintenance and safe. Each heater features a pressure switch to prevent operation without water flow, high-limit temperature controls and overheating prevention, and a dependable quality thermostat. Beyond these features, the electric heaters are compact and easily fit into tight spaces.