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One of the reasons that so many people are making the switch to robotic pool cleaners over vacuums is that they work all by themselves. Instead of spending hours scrubbing the bottom and sides of your pool, a pool robot lets you use the time for yourself. Buying a pool robot is the same as buying free time as long as it has a self-navigation feature.
Depending on the brand of pool robot, it’ll have a different tech or style of working. While some pool robots wander the bottom of your pool at random, there are other more high-tech pool robots that give a more personalized clean.
Take for instance the Dolphin Premier pool robot. They call their trademarked technology SmartNav™ and they credit the microprocessor for not only taking into account the size and shape of your pool (all on it’s own), but for also finding the most efficient way of cleaning it. Their systematic scanning pattern puts a self-sufficient, high tech spin on pool cleaning.
Or several of the Hayward pool cleaners come with SmartDrive® technology: predetermined left and right turns.
The Autox™ pool mapping software in certain Aquabot pool robots scans your pool and determines that best cleaning cycle all while navigating around stairs and ladders.
There are many different types of programs to power and steer your pool robot. Check out all of the robotic pool cleaners at Pool Express, and check out the features to get the pool robot that is just right for your pool.